Color/Image Swatch Wordpress Plugin

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RaceTech Titanium came to us looking for basic web services. During our time they mentioned how they wanted a color swatches for their products, but none of the current plugins solved their problem.

I decided to start working on a plugin that they could use to ensure client satisfaction and retention.
Product Page my custom color swatch plugin

Let's start by taking a look at the project requrements:

- Color Swatches
- Image Swatches
- Default image/color
- Color Tooltips
- Data passed through as metadata for third-party integrations

Now we can start building the backend to allow the admin to input all of their data.

Backend of my custom color swatch plugin

This backend allows the admin to create a 'Color Scheme.' Each color scheme contains a color label and a color. The color can also be an image if the 'Is Image' box is selected. Each color scheme can also have one default color. This will keep track of the original image and color before a users ameks their selection.
After setting up a color shceme, the admin can go into their product (or through a bulk editor), and select a color scheme to apply to that product.

Product editor of my custom color swatch plugin

During this setup, the admin can also choose to add a 'Default Color Image link.' This image will be used to show an image that displays every color.

Before Selection

TrueMX After Image

After Selection

TrueMX Before Image
Backend of my custom color swatch plugin